If you arrive in time for Sunday school (9:45 AM) there are classes for everyone from birth through senior adult.
A nursery, where your children will be lovingly cared for, is available for you during both the Sunday school hour and the worship hour for children birth through 3 years of age.
We also have Kids (4yr. old - 5th grade) and Youth (6th-12th grade) Sunday School Classes.
There are two adult classes to choose from.

Our worship time begins at 11 AM.
What you wear is not an issue. Dress comfortably!
Some people wear cowboy attire others wear t-shirts and still others wear a suit and tie.
God doesn't look at outward appearances. He looks at the heart. (1 Sam. 16:7)
We sing a variety of music from traditional hymns to more recent songs led by a small praise team accompanied by a piano. Our goal is to lead in a culturally relevant style that honors God.